Factory Floor

The Factory Floor is where we turn architecture into reality. We capture our design thoughts around a particular problem space explaining what should be done and why. Since the Westridge Group fully embraces an Infrastructure as Code mindset, and we work diligently to turn our ideas into implementable code. We merge these two work streams here and provide both architecture and the code to produce it.

  • terraform-azure-bootstrap (Updated)

    We’ve improved and updated our original terraform-azure-boostrap script! The script is now offered directly from a Westridge Group Github public repository. We have made a few minor changes unfortunately they maybe breaking changes depending on how you have used it in the past, so we have created a 2.0.0 release. The main difference is the…

  • How to create an Azure Subscription using the Azure Portal

    Having an Azure Subscription is a prerequisite to doing pretty much anything in Azure. Azure Subscriptions are top level containers for Billing, Permissions, and Management. The Azure Subscription is contained inside a Microsoft Organization most likely identified by one more more DNS names. This name is normally the Microsoft Entra Tenant (previously known as Azure…

  • An introduction to the American Community Survey dataset

    The American Community Survey, ACS, data is published by the US Census Bureau and is updated yearly. The ACS dataset is a public and free dataset covering a range of subjects, including Demographics, Economics, Housing, and Social data across the US. A huge potential value can be unlocked when applying this data set to all…

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